Monday, September 23, 2013

Retazo, coming to you soon...

Let’s start the day with a quick quizz. Are you ready? In your opinion, what amount of textile is simply trashed each year? Any idea? Ok, I will help you; we are talking about millions of tons. Still no clue? Every year, 13.1 million tons of textiles are trashed and only 15% of those are recycled, when the half of it is perfectly reusable. If you did not guess it, don’t worry, you’re part of the 78% of the population, unaware of the issue.

And now you are all wondering where is he going towards? What’s the purpose of talking about textiles trashes? Ok, let’s end a part of the suspense and watch the following video.

Yes, Gifts and Graces is cooking something for you, something old and fresh in the same time, something trendy made out of what could be considered outdated. We receive many different and interesting textiles from a generous partner based in the United States. But what to do with it? Throwing it was out of the question. Marge, our designer, together with our partner communities got an idea. 
And what if those scrap fabrics could become fashionable? So Gifts & Graces decided to offer its design input, together with the skills of our talented partners and this is what you get: a whole new line of bags, actual with a touch of vintage. You want to know more about it? Be patient, more exciting news are coming soon, so keep posted.  
