From the Rising Sun to Breaking DAWN
Ms. Mel Nuqui – Helping Filipino
Migrants and their Children from Japan
Ms. Mel was first exposed
to returning Filipino workers from Japan and their children when she
worked with a foundation which helped these migrant workers. Working
with these displaced workers she learned to understand and to
empathize with the plight, travails and emotional upheaval these
women were undergoing. Unfortunately, her stint with the foundation
was short-lived.
In 1996, Ms. Mel,
with friends, decided to set up DAWN, symbolizing a new beginning.
From that acronym came, Development Action for Women Network.
DAWN is a
non-government development organization established to assist
returning Filipino women migrants from Japan and their
Japanese-Filipino children by promoting and protecting their human
rights and welfare. Its programs include the provision of
psycho-social interventions especially for women entertainers, the
establishment of alternative livelihood programs, the implementation
of extensive and effective research, education and advocacy campaigns
and network and linkage building with other concerned groups on
women, children and migration issues.
Since its
founding, Ms. Mel has devoted her energies towards the success of
DAWN's programs and advocacy. She created opportunities and
activities which will empower these women and help them adjust and
reintegrate into mainstream Philippine society. Her JFC are growing
and experiencing the angst, pain and struggles of a bi-cultural
background. Through DAWN, she developed programs and activities for
them. These efforts are bearing fruit and the children know that they
are loved, cherished and appreciated regardless of parentage.
The stories of the
women migrant workers are being documented. The Philippine Migrants
Rights Watch (PMRW) and DAWN have published them in 3 volumes (so
far) “Migrants' stories; Migrants' voices”. It is hoped that
readers of these stories will better understand and appreciate our
migrant Filipino workers – their situation, their needs and what
they go through in order to give their families a better life. Theirs
is not always a success story, there are many broken dreams.
DAWN has many
programs and Ms. Mel, as Executive Director, has her hands full.
Sikap-Buhay (SIKHAY), its alternative livelihood program, helps the
re-integration of returned migrant women into Philippine society
through its components of weaving, sewing and cosmetology/wellness,
thus enabling them and their families regain and strengthen their
sense of dignity and self-worth. Through its skills training and
entrepreneurial orientation, market support program and livelihood
formation support opportunities, Ms. Mel and DAWN have helped
countless returning women workers re-establish themselves as useful
and economically viable components of Philippine society. Through
Gifts and Graces, the products of DAWN members are marketed to a
wider audience.